Kiss TV’s Grace Msalame reveals her closely hidden secret - here is how she suffered

04:13 mashalive 0 Comments

After the release of Sauti Sol’s fifth song pulled from their album Live and Die in Africa dubbedNerea which is a collabo with former TPF contestants, Amos and Josh, Kiss TV’s Grace Msalame gave it her kudos and revealed this about her past;

“#NEREA I was unmarried & pregnant, still grieving the loss of my Dad as the family tried to keep His business afloat…As hard as that was I kept my double Blessings. I have and always will be Pro-Life!

So @sautisol I applaud you for taking this stand, because since my Kids, my Life is blessed beyond measure & I am thrilled to see how farGods Grace will take them. “Mungu aki leta Mtoto, analeta sahani yake” Ukweli Hayo. ” Msalame posted on social media.

I must add this… As Great a Blessing as Children are, I would advise to wait until ready & maybe being ready for some people is mentally or emotionally, but indeed financially is a BIG! Factor, because only until you have a Child do u then realize the nature of the Responsibility, so I’m not encouraging pre-mature parenting or children out of wedlock scenarios, because I know fora fact that being a Parent requires Courage, Selflessness & a whole lot of Sacrifice! So before you do the deed pause & think. A Child deserves to grow up in an ideal environment. My added 2Cents… #NEREA”